Pax Judaica

Pax Judaica

"Current events in the Middle East and all over the world, including Russia, in our opinion cannot be completely and accurately analyzed without eschatology. And our eschatological view is that in order for the transition to take place from Pax Americana to what we anticipate to be Pax Judaica or Israel’s replacement of the United States as ruling country of the world, and I hope that the Russian people are listening to me, for Israel’s replacement of the United States of America we need big wars. Israel is too small to rule the world.

So either Israel has to expand and become a really big state or the world has to become smaller. Which of these two will it be? Answer: the world has to become smaller, thus, nuclear war. They want that war because at the end of that war the two major powers in the world, the NATO block and the Russian-Chinese block, would mutually destroy each other. That’s what they are hoping for. And the world will be substantially smaller as a result. Additionally, in a post-nuclear war world, it would be possible for Israel to impose their rule over the rest of the world. This is our eschatological view."

- Sheikh Imran Hosein, Islamic scholar, author, philosopher and eschatologist.

The Last Chapter of Time
One of Antichrist's first objectives will be to attain popularity among the Jews: "He will succeed in completing the organization of the Jewish government and will set about realizing the age-old dream of the Jews--the restoration of the temple of Solomon." With the help of mass media and advanced communication technology, Antichrist will rapidly achieve worldwide renown, and his appeal will be irresistible: "When the many classes and the people see such virtues and power, suddenly all will conceive the same thought, and with great joy will proclaim him king, saying among themselves: 'Can another man so good and righteous be found?'" (St. Ephraim the Syrian).

The Coming of Anti-Christ - Dajjal "The Antichrist can come only as a result of universal Apostasy, that is, the abjuration of the people from God and His paths when God's grace withdraw from the people." - Archpriest Boris Molchanoff. "Those who obey the Dark Messiah will enter his Paradise (and thus enter Hell), and those who denounce him will enter his Hell (and so shall, in reality, be entering Paradise). He will travel by means of a gigantic mule, at impossible speeds. He will cause droughts and famine upon those who reject him. But the remembrance of the true Lord will satiate them." “Antichrist will be crowned king in a splendid rebuilt temple in Jerusalem, with the clergy and the Patriarch of Russia participating [in his coronation]. There will be free ingress and egress from Jerusalem for everyone, but do not attempt to go there then, as everything will have been done so as to ‘deceive.’ (Matt. 24.24) He [Antichrist] will be exceedingly learned in all satanic wiles and will show great signs. The entire world will hear and see him. He will ‘stamp’ his people with satan’s seal; he will hate Orthodox Russia.” “You will live to see the time when the antichrist comes to power. Do not be afraid, but tell everyone that this is he -- and that there is no need to be afraid! There will be a war, and where it passes, there will be none left alive! But, prior to that time, the Lord will send minor ailments to the weak and they will die, for during antichrist’s time there will no longer be any death. The Third World War will not be for repentance, but for annihilation; but the Lord will leave the strongest alive, that they might confront him [antichrist]."

The venerable Starets Lavrentii of Chernigov spoke frequently of antichrist, saying: “There will come a time when they will fight and fight, and a world war will break out. And in the very thick of it, they will say, ‘Let us choose for ourselves a single king over all the inhabited earth.’ And they will elect him! They will elect antichrist as the universal king and supreme ‘peace-maker’ of the world. It will be necessary to listen carefully; it will be necessary to exercise caution! As soon as they begin to vote for one single man in all the world, know that it is none other than himself and that it is forbidden [to Orthodox Christians] to vote [for him].”


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