The Rise of Israel: A High-Tech Military Superpower & Technological Juggernaut

Israel is bringing the US down by engaging in the cloak-and-dagger activities and in the shadowy world of espionage including surveillance, reconnaissance, infiltration, cyber espionage, counter-espionage, counter-intelligence, thieving and finally handing over the US high tech to Russia, China, and India.

The demolition of the US is not happening by accident. The plan is to demolish the West and bring the East up! And Ultimately, the last stage of the master plan is to deliver to the state of Israel, the status of the next ruling state or super power in the world.

Israeli is now a nuclear-armed superpower and fully armed to the teeth with the Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles (ICBM).

Israel is already ruling the world from behind the curtains. 

Their ultimate destiny is to rule the world from Jerusalem. They have scripted it all for the arrival of the Dajjal - The Dark Messiah (Anti-Christ).

"Palestine is not the ultimate goal of the Jews; the world is. Palestine is just the place for world state headquarters." - Israel Shamir

This is the way it is all headed.

Humanity is far too disturbed and dumbed down and not able to cope or combat what Israel is doing.

Some crucial info from Brendon O'Connell's Legal Documents:

1. "Three decades after Talpiot was founded to modernize the Israeli army, the program has created an unforeseen byproduct -- a legion of entrepreneurs that has helped turn Israel into a technology juggernaut."

2. "Forget China -the greatest threat we face is from Israel who is not only installing its electronic equipment through the worlds telephone exchanges, it can draw on its vast sayanim network to facilitate access to locations and databases it ordinarily cannot access via its state controlled companies. Not to mention its extensive security contracts with public class An infrastructure like airports etc."

3. "Imagine a Quantum Computer developed by Jews in the U.S (perhaps jointly with Israel) -linked in with the worlds databases and the software that enables it to literally ―predict the future and track and trace every human on the planet and imagine it in the hands of people who think themselves God‘s ―chosen people with a history of religious and racial supremacism and a religion that promises they will rule the earth from Jerusalem? Don‘t arrest and charge the messenger -I‘m just telling you what they say, think and plan. Look what they can do with 4.4 million Tweets with a few lines of information?"

Brendon O'Connell's Legal Documents:


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