
Come Let Us Mock At The Great, By W. B. Yeats

Mock the great. Mock the wise. Mock the good. Mock mockers after that, for we Traffic in mockery. Come let us mock at the great That had such burdens on the mind And toiled so hard and late To leave some monument behind, Nor thought of the levelling wind. Come let us mock at the wise; With all those calendars whereon They fixed old aching eyes, They never saw how seasons run, And now but gape at the sun. Come let us mock at the good That fancied goodness might be gay, And sick of solitude Might proclaim a holiday: Wind shrieked—and where are they? Mock mockers after that That would not lift a hand maybe To help good, wise or great To bar that foul storm out, for we Traffic in mockery.

Pax Judaica

Pax Judaica "Current events in the Middle East and all over the world, including Russia, in our opinion cannot be completely and accurately analyzed without eschatology. And our eschatological view is that in order for the transition to take place from Pax Americana to what we anticipate to be Pax Judaica or Israel’s replacement of the United States as ruling country of the world, and I hope that the Russian people are listening to me, for Israel’s replacement of the United States of America we need big wars. Israel is too small to rule the world. So either Israel has to expand and become a really big state or the world has to become smaller. Which of these two will it be? Answer: the world has to become smaller, thus, nuclear war. They want that war because at the end of that war the two major po...

Satanyahu's Unit 8200: Israeli Cyber & Signal Intelligence

 Satanyahu's Unit 8200         Satanyahu's Unit 8200 - Full Documentary Israel is the head of the Zionist Jewish Mafia. It is a total criminal enterprise. Israhell is the capital of the worst cyber terrorists and cyber-criminals. Israel acts with impunity and completely gets away with it. These people are masters of espionage and have a PhD in deception.                                                                    Tell the Truth and shame the Devil!                                                          " By way of Deception ,  thou shalt do War ". Israel has no soul, just look at Satanyahu. They are heartless and blood...

The Rise of Israel: A High-Tech Military Superpower & Technological Juggernaut

Israel is bringing the US down by engaging in the cloak-and-dagger activities and in the shadowy world of espionage including surveillance, reconnaissance, infiltration, cyber espionage, counter-espionage, counter-intelligence, thieving and finally handing over the US high tech to Russia, China, and India. The Rise of Israel: A High-Tech Military Superpower & Technological Juggernaut The demolition of the US is not happening by accident. The plan is to demolish the West and bring the East up! And Ultimately, the last stage of the master plan is to deliver to the state of Israel, the status of the next ruling state or super power in the world. Israeli is now a nuclear-armed superpower and fully armed to the teeth with the Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles (ICBM). Israel is already ruling the world from behind the curtains.  Their ultimate destiny is to rule the world from Jerusalem. They have scripted it all for the arrival of the Dajjal - The Dark Messiah ...

Looking toward 7th and 8th Generation Warfare

Warfare Evolution Blog by Ray Alderman “The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting,” wrote Sun Tzu in his book "The Art of War."If you can convince your enemy that his military efforts will all be in vain, then you can win without fighting, which is where 7th and 8th generation warfare (7GW and 8GW) will lead us. Recently Russian leader  Vladimir Putin  wisely said that he does not want a war with NATO and the U.S. over Ukraine. Russian Generals Vladimir Slipshenko and Makhmut Gareev said in their book “Future War”, after the U.S. victory in Iraq against Saddam Hussein, any country would be stupid to fight against the Americans with 3GW techniques. Chinese Colonels Qiao Liang and Wang Xiangsui in their book “Unrestricted Warfare”, said that China could not defeat the U.S. in an all-out war and should explore other strategies. Those statements confirm that our 5GW and 6GW concepts and weapons are superior and devastating to our primary enemy’s — Russ...

Sixth Generation Warfare: Manipulating Space & Time

Warfare Evolution Blog by Ray Alderman In this instalment, we discuss 6th generation warfare (6GW), which leverages sophisticated technology to manipulate space and time. As Arthur C. Clarke said, "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." To illustrate the 6W concept and the advantage it brings let’s start with some historical examples where 6GW magic was used for battlefield advantage. On 7 June 1981, the Israeli Air Force attacked and destroyed the French built Osirak nuclear reactor just outside Bagdad, Iraq during “Operation Opera.” Iraq was in the middle of a war with Iran at the time, and Israeli jets executed undetected reconnaissance runs into Iraqi airspace during the conflict, finding a blind spot in the Iraqi  radar  coverage on their border with Saudi Arabia. Using that blind spot, at 18:35 hours on 7 June, eight F-16A Israeli jets entered Iraqi airspace undetected and hit the dome of the reactor with eight of the sixteen 2,00...